Walk in the Forest is a collection of ceramic vases and plates inspired by my walks in Amsterdamse Bos. I enjoy visiting the forest with my family on weekends during winter and summer. It feels magical and calm, allowing me to soak up the green atmosphere. The pieces feature images I took throughout the changing seasons in the forest, aiming to capture its beauty. I then made decals from these images and applied them to the ceramic pieces.
Walk in the Forest, 2014
Walk in the Forest is a collection of ceramic vases and plates inspired by my walks in Amsterdamse Bos. I enjoy visiting the forest with my family on weekends during winter and summer. It feels magical and calm, allowing me to soak up the green atmosphere. The pieces feature images I took throughout the changing seasons in the forest, aiming to capture its beauty. I then made decals from these images and applied them to the ceramic pieces.
Casting technique, Slip cast clay, Ceramic decal, Ceramic Glaze